I Enjoy Being A Woman

I enjoy being a woman.  I love everything about being a woman, including the extra estrogen that makes me emotional and mushy.  I enjoy the freedom of being able to love people.  I enjoy the freedom to wear pants even though I prefer dresses.  I enjoy being a girly girl with a little bit of edge-thanks to my upbringing.  I enjoy makeup, though I pretty much only take the time to wear it on Sundays to church (mental note: attempt to wear makeup at least one day of the week).  I enjoy the company and camaraderie of other women and the depth of our relationships and analytical conversations from world events to chocolate.

I enjoy the physical aspect of being a woman especially our anatomy - I wouldn't want it any other way.  I enjoy my own personal scent because it is mine and unique to me.  I like that I have different moods because I would hate to bore myself.  I enjoy the fact that I have intuition or as Joyce Meyers puts it "radar".  I enjoy the way that I think and that I over analyze situations and have to reel myself back in.  I enjoy being a nurturer and mother to my child and other people's children.  I enjoy being sensitive to the needs and cares of others.

I have been fearfully and wonderfully made and when God made Eve he made me.  So, I enjoy.....

Do you? If so, then let's talk.



It's Going To Take A Village

I remember as a little girl that adults could redirect me and all of the children in my neighborhood if they witnessed us doing something out of character. Looking back, I realize how important that village was not just to me but, to all of us.  Many of us came from single parent households.  My mother put in a lot of hours going back to school to get a nursing degree and work.  So, it took a village to raise me!  I wasn't a child who needed redirection because I had a healthy fear of my mother.  But, there were children who did require the redirection. 

I have been looking at the news along with other Americans thinking why would these young kids burn down their city?  Don't they know any better?  Where's their mother? But, then I think about the population that I serve at work as a counselor/social worker.  Many of the clients that I serve are children themselves who are having children.  I also think about how little they know when it comes to the things of life such as simple manners and how to respect authority.  But, I also look at where our society has come in the regard that there is no longer a village or community filling in the gaps.  We no longer feel the compassion or love to redirect someone's child we do not know - heck, we don't even know our neighbors! 

My point is, we are where we are because we dropped the ball and are hesitant in picking it up, making all sorts of excuses as to why we don't do "the village thing" anymore.  But, we have to get back to village community again.  You can pay it forward on the front end and redirect a youngster in love or pay on the backend by paying higher taxes because of burglary, theft, car jackings....do I need to go on?  The village is simply about loving others and filling in the gaps.  I am grateful when someone reminded me of how to address an elder or inquired if my mom knew if I was wearing a questionable outfit.  Yes, it is our business one way or another who is helping to raise our youth.  Let's get back to a village because God knows we need to like never before.  I'd like to hear your thoughts on this blog. 

A Defining Moment For Me

I recently experienced a defining moment that some would consider somewhat funny but, it proved to be humiliating to me.  I was going to the 7th Annual Arch of Triumph gala almost two weeks ago and I had two dress choices.  I picked two dresses that I believed I could get into without any issue but, the first choice was horrible because I believe that I looked like Mr. Goodyear.  It was a pretty white dress but just would not do.  So, I was down to one dress that I just knew had to fit me because that was all I had left. Well, of course you can guess that it would not zip up all the way.  I tried everything from laying across the bed sideways to putting on two girdles.  I was so desperate I thought about greasing myself in oil (LOL). 

I almost didn't go but I had to because my sorority sister purchased my tickets so, the last option was to zip up the dress and pull it over my head.  That took about 10 excruciating and painful minutes but, it worked.  But, that's not the end of it....I had to wear the dress with my breasts almost hanging out in order for it to work.  My boyfriend was so kind that evening and continually said how beautiful I looked but, I was extremely embarrassed, uncomfortable and self-conscious. 

This was  a defining moment for me and "enough is enough". I have to lose weight, not just for aesthetic reasons but for health reasons.  My blood pressure has been steadily going up and I am just plain uncomfortable and find myself not able to do simple things without a moan, such as bending over. 

I have been challenged with going up and down in my weight since the birth of my daughter.  I am a single parent and experienced a lot of the challenges of raising a child on my own and turned to food.  I enjoy good food and consider myself a food enthusiast.  But, something has got to give and I immediately joined a gym the following Monday with my BFF.  I am on week 2 day 3 and literally taking it day by day.   I can honestly say that I feel better and like the way my energy level is steadily increasing.  I have also been watching what I eat and using an app to record what I put in my mouth.  I PLAN TO NEVER FORGET MY DEFINING MOMENT! so that I can continue on this path of a lifestyle of healthy choices. If you share this same challenge as me, please email me as I would love to hear from you.